Nobody wants to age. Most men, unfortunately, look older than they are due to the fact they do not take care of their skin, or do nothing to slow the aging process.
The great thing to know men, there is hope! A few simple steps on a weekly basis and we will have your skin looking firmer and brighter in NO TIME! Read on for tips for your success.
1: find the basics and stick to them.
Routine is important, like a good workout done on a regular basis achieves success!
Was your face with a good face wash and moisturizing with a facial moisturizer in the morning and the night will start you out on the road to a fresher appearance.
My personal favorite was for the AM is a cleanser by the brand of (LIRA, Pro exfoliating cleanser). As a daily Moisturizer, think about anti oxidants in the Am or a good vitamin c serum. The Truth treatments, has a great product called the (Truth serum). A morning must have for myself.
2: Invest in something to ward off the aging process.
When you go to sleep your skin will wake up, so it is the time to feed and nourish your skin. While you sleep I want you to use Retinal based products. Start off slowly and use them only a few nights a week. A local brand that I like is the (Mychelle “Remarkable Retinal Serum).
3: Just say NO to the Sun!
Now come on guys, no Colorado man is going to stay out of the sun, but make sure you play safe always. The skincare products that brighten the skin and make you look younger will make you more sun sensitive. A zinc based SPF is Imperative to be used on a daily basis. I do not recommend anything higher or lower than a SPF 30 for daily use.
4: Think about alternative treatments.
So many great things you can do with little down time to bring a fresh approach without having to go under a doctors knife.
Get to know a good Esthetician, Take a look at PRP, chemical peels, Laser services. These different services are for cellular renewal. As well thank about some intense anti aging help on a monthly or Bi-Monthly basis and getting a nutritional IV, my favorite place in the (hydrate IV bar).
5: Take better care of yourself!
Make sure your diet has the right amount of essential fatty acids (EFA’S) in it. Try to make a healthy snack a day to happen with eating an Avocado, eat more salmon and DRINK MORE water, you were hoping I would say Alcohol? I suggest ½ of water a day per pound…at least. Sleep more, and smile more!
Remember all of the anti aging steps in the world will never work if you are just an unhappy person. I suggest smile more often, and be with people who smile a ton as well. I feel you are for sure to be forever young!